Thursday, January 3, 2013

Deja Vu

Landon is off on another adventure - this time to La Serena, Chile to do what I like to refer to as "digging holes and filling them back in again." Really, he is collecting rock and soil samples for some cutting edge isotopic research at UW that will feature heavily in his dissertation. And he gets to speak Spanish. :)
Meanwhile, Walt and I have been adopted by my mom and dad, and are having a great time being temporary Rexburgers. We are being treated to fancy cooking, a big house to play in, gratuitous babysitting, and the glories of the hot tub. Not to mention lots of uncles and an aunt nearby to hang out with.

All the same, we're missing daddy and our life in Seattle. Our schedule. Extra changes of clothes. This scenario is feeling a little too familiar, ya know? I just keep reminding myself that at least this time, I'm not pregnant.

17 days.

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