Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bucket List #49 | Kerry Park

The last stop we made with Grandpa Burgener was the iconic Kerry Park in Queen Anne. I've always wanted to go here and it seriously lived up to the hype. You park along a quiet neighborhood street, round a corner, and this fantastic view just sort of smacks you in the face:
We were also super lucky, because there happened to be a professional photographer hanging out up there wanting to practice lighting, and we were the lucky subjects. :)
The park is small and there's not a lot to it, but it's worth the drive up the hill just for the photo op.
Our little boy of course had to see the playground, which is down the hill a bit from the view point.
My kids both loved it. This slide set into the hill is pretty epic:
I would easily give Kerry Park:
It's just a quick stop but if you have a car - do it. Take lots of pictures, stretch your legs, and keep on site-seeing. You won't be sorry!

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