Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

Madison High School class of 2009
Last week I was able to go up to Idaho to spend some time with my Mom and to see Landon's brother Miles graduate from high school. It was crazy watching the Madison High School graduation five years after mine and Landon's graduation. So many of the kids graduating had siblings that I graduated with. It was fun to see the orchestra and choir perform, fun to see old teachers and friends, fun to reminisce about the "glory days" of high school. What a great time in my life, and how glad I am to have it behind me!

Miles getting his diploma - I had to take tons of pictures, because Landon wasn't able to be there due to field camp. He was so sorry to have missed it.

My parents and me and Landon got Miles a book and Milkyway Dark candy bars for graduation. Who doesn't deserve a present for surviving adolescence??

I wasn't brave enough to go into the crowded fieldhouse to find Miles after the ceremony, so I made him put his hat back on and reenact it. Aren't I a great sister-in-law?

Yeah. He's definitely getting mature.

Congratulations Miles!! We're very proud of you and your accomplishments. Drink it in, because in five years you'll be sitting in our shoes wondering where the time has gone!

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