Friday, November 14, 2008

The Age of Prosperity is Over

My good friend Heidi recently posted this fabulous article on her amazing blog. It really sums up the way I feel about how people are acting about the economy lately. I do feel terrible who those people who are losing their homes right now, but irresponsibility on their part and on the part of the banks who loaned them the money should not equal money out of MY pocket. I was uneasy about the bailout at its outset, but the more I read about it, the more I become downright furious. I did hear recently from an economist who gave a presentation at my office - he maintains that the government has a chance of making billions of dollars on this "investment." That may be so, but I don't believe that we as taxpayers will ever see the benefits. We have become a nation of complainers believe that we are "entitled" to wealth and all the possessions of our neighbors and those happy people in the commercials on TV.

Meanwhile, some of us are making our way through college, commuting, working 11 hour days, renting tiny apartments and living on a careful cash only budget with no Nintendo (I know, it seems impossible, but trust me, the right to own a Wii Fit is nowhere in the constitution), no big-screen TV, old, mismatching couches, books from D.I., movies from the library, few vacations...all so we can pay for school without going into debt and save enough for a down payment on a house that we can actually afford when we are able to start our family.

But enough ranting. As my sage-like father would say; "Life's not fair!"


Bree said...

I totally agree with you. It makes us pretty upset that we are going to have to pay for others mistakes and that we will never see any of it back. Those people should have known going into it that they couldn't afford it, ignorance is no excuse.

Erin said...

AMEN sister!

Kyle Andrew said...

Chin up.

Chelsi said...

I love the way you write. And I think the exact same things. I am happy to report that Trev and I are paying the car we bought 3 years ago this month! three years ahead of schedule so we will be completely debt-free. It is such a good feeling....I enjoy the satisfaction of living dirt cheap and wisely much more than the momentary awesomness of a Wii or Big Screen TV. Go us and Go You!

Fyfe Family said...

I give that a big AMEN! Could'nt have said it better myself!

Fyfe Family said...

I would also like to say that I am so proud of you for being so financially responsible. Starting your adult life and marriage in that way will NEVER cause you regret. If only everyone understood how important these decisions are!!!